Eliminate unwanted hair quickly and effectively.
The Most Comfortable & Safest Hair Removal Option
BBL (Broad Band Light) is a revolutionary technology in hair removal. Traditionally, hair removal devices apply all of their energy to any given area all at once. By sending multiple lower fluence pulses at a high repetition rate, BBL provides a treatment that is safe, fast, effective, and comfortable. It allows for extremely even heating of hair follicles and minimizes missed areas that occur with traditional hair removal devices.
Laser hair removal is most effective on coarse, dark hair and for people with light to medium-dark skin. Treatment areas include bikini, underarms, face, back, chest, legs.
On average, 6 to 8 treatments are needed. We perform these treatments about once every 4 to 8 weeks depending on the area of the body. BBL enables us to treat all skin types safely.
Procedure Pre-Care
This procedure has important pre-care instructions to insure the safest and best outcome.
How does laser hair removal work?
Laser or light energy is selectively absorbed by the melanin in hair follicles and converted to heat, diffusing to and injuring stem cells in the bulb and bulge. Effective hair reduction can only be achieved during the active growth phase and hair reduction is considered permanent when a significant amount of hair does not return for a period of time longer than the complete growth cycle. After a series of treatments, most hair is removed. If hair does regrow it will be finer and lighter than before.
How many sessions do I need?
Typically you will need 6 to 8 sessions. If the area is larger or the hair is finer, more sessions may be required for optimal results. There is no laser that has received FDA clearance for a claim of permanent hair removal. It is possible that follicles in the treated area, while not being completely destroyed, will be sufficiently disabled to the point where they produce only fine, light hairs that do not respond to further treatment. This is backed up by extensive clinical studies and you should be wary of anyone who claims otherwise.
Why can’t all hairs be removed in one session?
Because of the hair growth cycles. Lasers work by destroying hair follicles active at the time of treatment and which have enough pigment to absorb sufficient laser energy. The hair shafts in the treated hair follicles will fall out, or be “shed” 1 to 3 weeks after treatment.
- Anagen (Figure 1 above): This is the perfect stage for treatment. The hair is grown and it is visible above the skin and can be treated. The hair shaft is attached to the papilla, thus enabling the laser to attack the melanin in the shaft and disable the papilla. This period for facial and body hair can be as long as two to three weeks.
- Catagen (Figure 2 above): The perfect stage for treatment has passed. The growth process has reversed itself and the hair is getting ready to shed (this is not the same shedding process as post-laser treatment). The moisture, water and salt have begun to dry up. It is still possible to treat with a laser since the Catagen-stage follicle will still produce another hair. The Catagen stage is remarkably variable and can be as short as two days.
- Telogen (Figure 3 above): This is the final stage — resting. The hair is neither developing nor growing. It can’t be treated during this stage, as it usually isn’t visible above the skin. The hair shaft is fully detached from the papilla, thus not allowing the laser to attack the melanin in the shaft and disable the papilla. The resting stage is unpredictable and can be as short as a few days or as long as a few years.
The perfect time for hair to be permanently destroyed is the Anagen (growing) stage. It can take 6 to 12 weeks for a hair to grow from the matrix (the papilla) to the surface of the skin. Laser treatments are scheduled for 4 to 8 weeks apart to coincide with the Anagen cycle. These cycles vary somewhat from person to person, rendering vastly different individual hair growth cycles.
Your commitment to laser hair removal is very important! Hair can grow approximately ½ inch per month but the hair on a woman’s lip may reach only ¼ inch. This means that hair on a woman’s lip would be visible above the skin — the Anagen stage — for only about 2 weeks. If appointments are missed, some of the hair will likely reach the shedding stage before the laser can get to it, making the corresponding papilla unavailable for complete destruction.
Will my hair grow back?
It doesn’t get rid of hair forever (only electrolysis is FDA-approved for permanent hair removal), but it does drastically reduce hair growth—to the point that you could stop shaving altogether. The treatment works to damage the hair follicle so that, if it does regrow, it comes in much finer and lighter. You may continue to grow new hairs from non-damaged follicles that escaped due to the Catagen or Telogen growth stage (see the pictures above). Some people may have excessive hair growth caused by: heredity, stress, medication, hormonal changes or polycystic ovarian syndrome. Puberty, pregnancy and menopause play important roles in determining hair growth.
Who is not a candidate for a laser hair reduction?
There is no laser or laser-based method available today that works on grey, blonde or red hair. The effectiveness of laser hair removal is based on the melanin/pigment of the hair. The greater the melanin, the better the results. White or gray hair doesn’t contain melanin and, therefore, can’t respond to laser removal treatments. However, some hair that many would call blonde or red actually does contain enough melanin to be treatable. This is precisely why we offer a complimentary consultation, so we can evaluate your hair and skin type to discuss your options.
Which hair colors respond best to treatment?
Because lasers target the melanin/pigment in hair follicle, they work best on black or brown hair. Light brown or auburn hair may require more treatment sessions. White or grey hair does not respond at all.
Do I need to take a leave at work for the treatment sessions?
Most of our clients can even sneak away on their lunch break . We’re open Monday through Friday, 9am to 5 pm. Since our treatments are pain-free, you don’t need to undergo a recovery process. After the treatment, you can return to work right away.
Will it hurt?
Most of our clients describe laser hair removal as a warm heat, tingling or, rubber band snap sensation. Some people find it helpful to take Tylenol or Advil a couple of hours before coming in for treatment. Some women find that they are more sensitive during their menstrual cycles, however this would not prevent from treatment at other than bikini areas. Following your treatment, you may experience a sunburn-type sensation in the treated area for several hours.
What do I need to do in preparation for my appointment?
We ask that you shave the treatment areas the night before or morning of your appointment because the surface hair interferes with the laser treatment. We recommend waiting at least 4 weeks after waxing before a treatment. During laser treatments you cannot tweeze or wax the hair you want removed with laser. Bleaching, shaving, and depilatories can be used in between treatments if needed.
Please tell us if you are using bleach or depilatories in the area you’re treating. For best treatment results and the safety of our clients we ask you to avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for 4 weeks prior to and after each treatment. If you are planning on real or artificial sun exposure, we ask that you wear an SPF of 45 or greater and cover the area if possible.
What areas of the body can be treated?
All parts of the body can be treated. In women, the most common areas for treatment are upper lip, chin, bikini line, arms and legs, and underarms. In men, the most common areas for treatment are the unibrow, shoulders and back, and the beard area.
What are laser treatments known as basic bikini, full bikini, exended bikini and Brazilian?
There are four styles of bikini laser treatments from which women may choose:
- Basic Bikini removes the lines of the hair exposed while wearing a swimsuit.
- Full Bikini includes the option of shaping the top of the triangle and goes a little deeper into the sides.
- Full bikini extended adds the option of removing beyond full bikini lines. It covers ONLY the front area.
- Brazilian removes absolutely everything — all of the hair in front, back, and in-between. You can choose to leave a landing strip or bare it all.
Do you provide laser removal treatments for men?
Concern about body hair is a not just a woman’s issue. In fact, more and more men are looking for the clean, smooth, fresh looking skin. Men often prefer to treat the following areas: face, neck, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders, hands, knuckles, feet, legs and mankini (male bikini area).
How long before I see the results?
You will see some results immediately. It takes a week or two for all of the hair in the treated area to fall out. After that, you will experience several weeks of no growth in the treated area. So you are actually receiving immediate gratification while you are moving toward your long-term goal.
Can I be treated while taking medications?
The only medications prohibited for laser hair removal are Accutane and Retin-A, which must be discontinued prior to treatment. During your consultation we’ll review any medications or supplements you’re currently taking to help determine the appropriate course for your treatment.
I’m pregnant/planning on becoming pregnant. Can I still be treated?
Pregnancy restricts the use of topical anesthetics and may present some other challenges. While there is no evidence to suggest that pregnant women cannot be treated safely, it is our policy and the requirements of our medical director that no clients should be treated during the pregnancy. If you are planning on becoming pregnant please keep in mind that complete treatment may take anywhere between 30 to 42 weeks considering minimum 6 weeks between the sessions.
What will happen after the treatment and what recommendations should I follow?
Immediately after a treatments, there may be redness and bumps in the treatment area which may last a few hours and for some individuals (especially with light skin) longer. It is normal for the treated area to feel like a sunburn for a few hours with the possibility of the sunburn like sensation continuing into the next day. You should use a cold compress if needed. Aloe vera gel or antibiotic cream may be suggested as a post treatment product. Please consult with us prior to using any products in the treatment area up to 72 hours post procedure.
Hair re-growth occurs at different rates on different areas of the body. New hair growth will not occur for at least three weeks after the treatment. Five to twenty-one days after the treatment, the damaged hair particle will shed. This is normal and hair quickly falls out. Initially it will appear as if the hair is continuing to grow but this is just the damaged hair pushing its way out of the follicle. You may help the hair exfoliate by washing and wiping gently with a washcloth.
Showering/bathing is appropriate after laser sessions. However, be careful to use only tepid water and a mild soap. Skin should be patted dry and not rubbed. If you’re lasering your underarms, please wait 24 hours before applying deodorant. It’s also important to avoid hot tubs, hot saunas, pools, and public gyms for 24 hours post treatment to limit exposure to harmful bacteria. Avoid irritation in the treatment area including picking and scratching. DO NOT tweeze or wax the area during the course of laser sessions. Mineral makeup is the only makeup recommended immediately post treatment. Use fresh new makeup in the treated area. Apply moisturizer liberally in the treatment area to help dead hair more easily exfoliate from the follicle.
How often do I come in for a Laser Hair Removal treatment?
We recommend that our clients schedule their appointments 4 to 8 weeks apart for best results. We will not schedule treatment appointments less than 4 weeks apart. After you’ve completed all your sessions, touch-ups 8 to 12 weeks apart may be necessary until all the hair is removed.
Talk to Jasmine

It’s critical for your aesthetician to be well trained and knowledgeable about the latest laser technologies. Talk to our resident senior aesthetician, Jasmine, about what would work best with your skin. Call (360) 647‑6991 or use the website Contact Form.