Wrinkles and frown lines between the brows don’t always imply that you’re getting older. They’re caused by repeated movements and muscle contractions, which means they can develop when you’re younger as well.
What is Dysport®?
Dysport® is an injected prescription medicine intended to soften frown lines between the brows. Frown lines, “elevens” or glabellar lines are the product of repeated movements of the corrugator supercilii, procerus and depressor supercilii muscles. Dysport® targets these muscles in a quick, minimally invasive procedure that requires no anesthesia. Unlike Botox® which can be used in a variety of locations around the face, Dysport® injections affect frown lines only. Most people see results within three to four days with visible results lasting up to four months.
Will my face be less expressive after Dysport®?
Dysport® targets a small area of your face. You’ll notice a marked improvement without seeming any less animated or looking as though “you’ve had work done.” Some people describe the results as appearing refreshed, well rested, happier. Dr. Evans and Dr. Lary are conservative, skilled MDs, keen on maintaining a soft natural look.
Why is Dysport® popular with men?
Men tend to have deeper brow expression lines than those of women. Frown lines appear early on, despite the best skin care regimes. Some men are more comfortable concentrating on the brow area alone. A Dysport® prescription injection is often the treatment of choice.
How do I know if Dysport® is right for me?
Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Evans or Dr. Lary. Your skin type and concerns can be then be assessed along with treatment options suited to your goals and budget.
Procedure Pre-Care
This procedure has important pre-care instructions to insure the safest and best outcome.

Talk to Dr. Evans or Dr. Lary about Dysport®.
Call (360) 647‑6991 or use the website Contact Form.